
The Collectionary siteIt has come to my attention that there is a website that houses a dictionary of collections; it is called The Collectionary. It houses hundreds of different Collectionaries that you can join.

They have expert collectors called moderators that help add items to each collection under that category. The site offers history, facts or unique attributes regarding a particular collectible or item. It allows you to find the places you can find the item; whether it is new or something you remember from when you were younger.
The Collectionary

Purses Collectionary carries many high end purses. Maybe sometime in the near future MacramePurses will be one of their collections.

Let me know if you found anything you were looking for at the collectionary.


I am finding that in all things, change is inevitable. My last post was all about Media, Blog, Shop and now I have found Giveaway sites. There are too many to keep adding to my side bar.
So I have, like most people, created another area to house such items. Let me introduce an additional site for sharing “follow” information. It has the two pages that I feature along with the other days of the week. If you, or someone you know hosts such a site, I would love to add them.

At this time (because things do change) I am asking for site information to be left in the comment section of the day of the week that you wish to be featured. In the comment area leave the site address and I will add it as I am able. I want to thank you all in advance for your efforts in sharing information and creativity.

Media Shares, Blogs Hop and Shop Promotes

I would like to encourage you to click on the daily links that line the right side of this blog site. There are a group of individuals that host weekly sites to promote the sharing of blogs, media and shops that contain many different ideas.

There are ideas shares; where people post directions to a DIY Craft Blog for you or your family. You will find that you want to be apart of the fun.

You can visit any day of the week at The Blog Hop Til You Drop site for even more ideas. Click and Follow some very creative and imaginative people with a lot to offer.

Promote My Shop

Here is a wonderful place to meet artists from all over.

Promote My Shop

You can also add your site. The promotion runs for a week starting every Wednesday. On the following Thursday you are able to enter your shop again. I have set an alarm to remind myself to Promote My Shop each week.

So stop by, look around and add your shop to the mix.

Have a great day!